Nameless for now

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Friday, January 16, 2004

I've relocated, my new site is at
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
For Sale

I'm going to sell some stuff I no longer need. If any of my friends are interested, let me know.

  • Automag paint marker w/retro valve
  • Smart Parts Impulse electric paint marker
  • ADA 200 watt (100/channel) guitar amp
  • Two speaker enclosures with greenback Celestion speakers (for guitar)
  • 19" Dell tube monitor
  • Digitech guitar footboard (can't remember the model)
  • Digitech 256 rackmount DSP
  • A laser printer
  • An old 55 watt home stereo
  • Nintendo64 with some games

I care more about unloading them than making big money, so let me know.
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Daddy, where do blogs go when they die?

I think when you have a blog that two people read, and you don't post for months on end, it turns out that zero people read it. Hrm.

I guess I put nothing here because it would seem there's nothing much to say. Perhaps it's my own fault, I don't always pick the paths of great diversity and excitement. Seems that I exercise, go to work, eat, play ball on the weekends, and that's it. Wait, it doesn't just seem that way, it is that way.

Now I'm (yet again) super-irritated with the blogger software. The archives seem completely broken for this blog, I dare not touch my template, and I never did recover admin rights for the comments used here.

As for playing "blog catch-up", here's the rundown. I know, so cliched.

  • I bought yet another paint marker. This time, an Angel Speed. I know, I should stop, really. It's just, this thing fires fast easy like no other, I can't even load it fast enough. I think I've dry fired it in excess of 20 balls a second!
  • SC Village is out of control. I think there's been fights the past 3 sundays they've been open. Ridiculous. Last weekend, supposedly some police were on one side of the fight. Even better. Are people pounding hormones before they get to the fields or what?!? If somebody with a marker gets upity and looks like they're going to start a fight, just walk. Being able to deal with pain at high speed is hardly preferable over a little pride. Hopefully some sponsorships start getting yanked and the freaks wake up.
  • I got asked to join a sponsored team. The Keebler team, no less. I know, laugh, make elves jokes. But in a sport that's still small time, having a recognizable name goes a real long way. Let's see how that works out. I really enjoy playing alongside some of their front guys, it's a confident feeling.
  • The summer is drawing near (or is it here?) so that means I get to start my trips up to Mammoth again. That's good news, since our PTO is capped at 160 hours now. I keep having to take a couple hours here and there to make sure I don't lose time I could accrue. I know, tough life.
  • Finally ordered a new computer. Hopefully I'll be able to re-encode my CD collection to mp3 in a reasonable amount of time. This after losing it all on a bad drive a while back. Served me right, no backups.
  • Work is still near terminally boring.
  • Again with summer upon us, that means it's wedding season. Guess who's probably bailing on any such events this summer, too. That's right, me. Love sucks, that's my story, I'm sticking to it and not participating. Selfish freak, I know.
  • I've started exercising again. I was walking at night for a while. Now I've switched to a combination of walking and running in the morning. That really messes me up, I'll be at work feeling like it's 3pm, when it's only 1:30. Also working on some stretching and *ahem* pilates to strengthen my midsection. All this to cure a bad back. Surprisingly enough, it's helping. Granted, it's not fixed or anything, but the pain in my lower back is less frequent and severe now. Here's hoping it will continue to help.
  • I've been considering my perspective on relationships lately. Holy cow, I'm bitter, oh so bitter. I guess I'd sum it up by saying I feel neither the capability nor desire to be a knight in shining armor to anybody, though an entire industry has sprung up reinforcing the idea that should I fall short of that, well, I can forget it. I say, enough of that let down garbage, forget that. Did I say I was bitter already?
  • My life seems to come down to escapism now. What else can I say. Put the TV on, or, go run (from something) while listening to music, play paintball, talk about paintball, process spam garbage, whatever it takes. It's pure survival now, baby. Avoid thinking or feeling at all costs, get with the program, yea.
  • The newest AFI cd rocks. If you can't deal with goth/punk whining at times, stay far away. But, I for one think their guitarist does a pretty cool job. Sure he's no Vai, but it's fun listening.

I think I'll stop now and save some for later.
Friday, March 14, 2003
Rain, rain, go away...

Here's my routine for today. Check weather. Wait five minutes. Check again. Repeat as necessary. Hope they take rain out of the forecast.

I know we need the rain, but I hate it. Last week, there was one point at the SC Arenas that smelled worse than anything I can recall. Well, maybe in Morocco when I visited the huge open air leather tanning vats. But man, Corona was so bad I nearly gagged. The trunk of my car smells like a concentrated blend of high school locker room and cow. I don't mean the good kind of cow you pickup at the drive-thru, and I'm not exaggerating.

If I don't practice tomorrow, what to do!?! So far the list includes: practice music, go check out digital8 camcorders, build a new pc, sleep in, watch some NetFlix discs I've had too long, find a wife (not!), get new brakes and rotors, track down an Adam Hurt CD, ummm...uh....shucks.

Total junkie...
Tuesday, February 25, 2003
Money burns...

I ordered a black to grey fade GZ Timmy this week.

Also have an Air America Apoc 2K 68/4500 in the mail!

If it stops raining, this weekend should rock.

Monday, February 24, 2003
Tonight I actually cooked a meal for the first time in I don't know how long. It was fun trying something different, and the outcome was pretty good, though I'd do it differently next time.

Managed to whip up a wrap of broiled lamb, onions and basil, with a roasted eggplant and garlic spread, served with a side dip of blended yogurt and feta cheese dip. I was quite impressed with the effort. I actually think making it was more fun than eating. I think next time, I'd try cutting down on the eggplant, and putting some garbanzo beans in for more texture.

Of course, in the process of cleaning up, I accidentally knocked Felipe's new wine glass across the kitchen. That was, not cool.
Thursday, February 20, 2003
Art may imitate life, but life imitates TV

Yahoo news is running a story about a new "reality" show being labeled by insiders as a take on "Indecent Proposal." From the story:

"ABC is teaming up with the producers of syndicated television's 'Blind Date' for an unscripted series some industry insiders are already labeling a reality take on the movie 'Indecent Proposal.'"

Oh, but, unlike the film, there's no requirement for consumation of the deal. I guess that makes it OK then.

I'm thinking Fox didn't stop at opening Pandora's box when they aired "Joe Millionaire", they kicked the lid off.

Another fun quote from the article, "We have this incredible opportunity with the explosion in reality". Oh my gosh, I didn't know reality could get anymore, real!