Nameless for now

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Tuesday, February 25, 2003
Money burns...

I ordered a black to grey fade GZ Timmy this week.

Also have an Air America Apoc 2K 68/4500 in the mail!

If it stops raining, this weekend should rock.

Monday, February 24, 2003
Tonight I actually cooked a meal for the first time in I don't know how long. It was fun trying something different, and the outcome was pretty good, though I'd do it differently next time.

Managed to whip up a wrap of broiled lamb, onions and basil, with a roasted eggplant and garlic spread, served with a side dip of blended yogurt and feta cheese dip. I was quite impressed with the effort. I actually think making it was more fun than eating. I think next time, I'd try cutting down on the eggplant, and putting some garbanzo beans in for more texture.

Of course, in the process of cleaning up, I accidentally knocked Felipe's new wine glass across the kitchen. That was, not cool.